(The fish pictured is 5 years old, one which I supplied at C2 and it's in a mixed fishery fed on our feeds)
I used to think that the fast breakdown would be wasted, fouling the water or just consumed by nuisance species. Let me explain how I changed my opinion and how that allowed me to improve the health of my fish against what 'experts' advised.
Sure, the non-target species will eat the broken down feed, that's not disputed. What I WILL dispute is that it's naive to believe you can maintain a healthy population of a single species they're all susceptible to the same health issues, so we need to care for the whole fish population.
Feeding a food item too big for other species to eat is avoiding the elephant in the room.
You want to starve the non target species?
Is that a sensible resolve?
Do you think it's possible to have a starving population of silvers co-existing with a happy population of well fed carp?
A high biomass is a high biomass, species is irrelevant.
When I re-framed my concerns about fast breakdown pellets encouraging a nuisance population, into understanding that i'm feeding a product which is consumed and digestible to all levels of the aquatic food chain, there's no wonder everything began to grow and thrive together.
The biggest part to understand about feeding the balance of an ecosystem is this... If an organism thrives, it will quickly exhaust it's food supply... so we supplement it. For example, If bacteria thrive on a food source, they multiply, exhaust the food supply and crash. If daphnia thrive, they multiply, exhaust their food supply and crash. If algae thrives, they multiply, they exhaust their food supply and crash. Stay consistent with your supplementary feeding keep the system thriving. A healthy functioning ecosystem is the engine and feed is the fuel.
Your job title as 'fishery manager' involves balancing the species to suit your target as a fishery. Remember, it's called 'FISHERY management' not 'carp management'.
I bought some BP Gold pellets to use when carp fishing as I wanted something low in oil (compared to your usual fishmeal) and that would break down quickly. I've been really impressed with these, they breakdown fast to give a nice spread of smaller particles that keep the fish grubbing about (I hope), they also smell lovely....a subtle yeasty, hoppy smell. I add some bollie glug to match my hookbaits / freebies and they take this on really well.
Very impressed, perfect for the purpose I wanted and cheap if buying in bulk.